I certainly don’t need to tell you guys what a great looking booty Maria Moore has, we’ve seen it enough to know that. While I do love that hot round ass I’ve been checking out some of the other girls I’ve found at Bootylicious Mag and well, I’m impressed. One of the babes that caught my eye was a sexy black chick who called herself Joei Deluxxx. Now this girl was round, brown, and totally sexy in all the right places. I loved how curvy she was and it was such a delight to see her exposing that hot ass for the camera.
At Bootylicious Mag you get hardcore and softcore action, so it’s like you get something to see no matter what gets you hard. The mixture of bottom heavy girls and total amateurs is enough to really get me and my dick super fucking hard. What took me to the next level was the fact I was able to get Bootylicious with this Porn Megaload discount for 77% off the regular price! Now I’ve got an entire network of smoking hot action to explore and honestly I can’t wait. I hope these girls are in the mood for some fun as my cock is going to show them love that they never thought possible.